China Hot selling Excavator Hydraulic Cylinder for Cat E329d E385c E390c E390dl Excavator Boom Cylinder (3539616 4188812) vacuum pump oil near me

Product Description



KOMA TSU: PC35MR ,PC55, PC60,PC75, PC78, PC120,PC128, PC130, PC200, PC220, PC300, PC360, PC400, PC450, PC650, PC1200,
Hitachi: EX100, EX120, EX150, EX160, EX200, EX220, EX300, EX400, ZX200,ZX210,ZX330,ZX400
Daewoo: DH55,DH200, DH220, DH280, DH300, DH320, DH330,DH420
Hyundai: R200, R210, R220, R225,R250, R290,R305,R335, R360, R400, R500
Volvo: EC210.EC240, EC290, EC360,  EC460
Sumitomo: SH60, SH100, SH120, SH200, SH220, SH300, LS580, LS1600, LS2600, LS2650, LS2800, LS3400, LS4300
Mitsubishi: MS180, MS230, MS240, MS380
KATO: HD250, HD400, HD450, HD510, HD550, HD650, HD700, HD770, HD800, HD820, HD850, HD880, HD900, HD1200, HD1250, HD1430, HD1880
KOBELCO: SK07, SK60, SK100, SK120, SK200, SK220, SK230, SK300, SK09, SK912, SK907
SHXIHU (WEST LAKE) DIS.I: SE60 SE70 SE80 SE130 SE210, SE220, SE240 ,SE270 SE330 SE360
ZOOMLION: ZE60 ZE85 ZE210 ZE220 ZE230 ZE260 ZE330 ZE360 ZE480 ZE700
XC : XE15 XE40 XE50 XE135 XE150 XE210 XE230 XE235 XE260 XE335 XE370 XE390 XE470 XE490 XE500 XE700
SANY: SY55, SY60,SY65,SY75,SY85, SY95,SY115, SY135, SY155,SY205, SY215,SY225,SY235,SY265,SY305,SY335,SY365,SY385, SY465 SY700, SY850
XIHU (WEST LAKE) DIS.DE: SC760, SC485, SC450, SC400, SC360, SC300, SC330, SC270, SC240,  SC220 , SC210
LIUGONG: CLG908, CLG909, CLG920, CLG922, CLG925, CLG927, CLG933, CLG936, CLG939, CLG945,
LONGKING: LG6150 LG6215 CDM6150 CDM6210 CDM6225 CDM6235


175-63-42700    14X-63-X1063    206-63-63340
175-63-42800    14Y-63-57132    206-63-K1140
175-63-43700    4438245    225-4531 274-2456  
175-63-43800    16Y-62-50000    225-4525 
175-63-52700    16Y-63-13000    225-4522 266-8087 
175-63-13400    16Y-84-62000    707-01-XT860  
175-63-13300    23Y-62B-57100    707-01-XT850  
155-15-0571    23Y-63B-57100    707-01-XT830  
23Y-89-10400    23Y-64B-57100    707-01-XT840
23Y-89-10300    175-63-13300    707-01-0F702
23Y-89-15710    175-63-52700    440-5712A 440-00322A
23Y-89-15710    175-63-42700    1146-57180
23Y-64B-57100    175-63-43700    14557151
23Y-64B-57100    14508475    1146- 0571 1
154-63-X2070    14556580    14557154
154-63-X2571    1146-07290    14557150
154-63-X2571    14523672    14557155
16Y-84-62000    14535510    1146-57190
16Y-63-13000    14595214    14557152
16Y-62-50000    1146-5710    1146-57100
16L-62C-10000    14523673    14557153
16Y-63-13000    14572137    14518003
16L-62C-20000    14548954    14564001
23Y-62B-57100    14550096    14517998
23Y-62B-57100    14550055    14564007
23Y-63B-01100    14548954    14518289
23Y-89B-01500    14639077    14564571
23Y-89B-01600    14606236    14517999
23Y-89B-01300    14639078    14564016
23Y-89B-01400    1457571    14518290
16Y-62-50000    14641439    14523674
16Y-62-60000    14511286    14564571
16Y-63-13000    14564681    14518000
707-01-XY800    14546548    14523675
707-01-XY810    14564682    14564030
707-01-XY820    14587748    14547543
707-01-XZ901    14528492    14547545
707-01-XY442    14564681    14547546
707-01-XY452    14544682    14538693
707-01-0H091    14564683    14617784
707-01-0A430    707-01-0F702    14538695
707-01-0A450    707-01-ZX880    14375081
707-01-0A460    707-01-ZX890    14376231
707-01-XZ993    31N4-50110    14522770
707-01-XU760/770    31N4-50120    14375085
707-01-XU780    31N4-50130    14547230
707-01-XU790    31N4-50131    14547232
208-63-57130    31N4-50132    14547233
208-63-57120    31N4-50133    14563968
707-01-0H081    31N4-60110    14563974
707-01-0H061    31N4-50110    14512429
707-01-0H091    31N4-50120    14522908
207-63-57130    31N4-50132    14534547
2440-9230    31N4-50133    14563977
2440-9309    31N4-60110    14512423
440-05710    31Q4-50110    14563986
2440-9231    31Q4-50120    14514851
2440-9310    31Q4-50130    14523664
440-05712    31Q4-60111    14563993
2440-9242    31N6-50121    14534531
2440-9232    31N6-50125    14554977
2440-9233    31N6-50111    14534532
2440-9230    31N6-50115    14554978
2440-9231    31N6-50130    14534533
2440-9249    31N6-50135    14554979
2440-9232    31N6-50137    14615571
2440-9242    31N6-50138    14534532
2440-9233    31N6-60110    14534533
440-05711    31N6-60115    14563995
440-05712    31N6-50125    14547225
440-05714    31N6-50115    1459571
2440-9233    31N6-50137    14534532
440-00408    31N6-50138    14534533
440-00409    31N6-60115    14563900
440-0571    31Q6-50110    14563941
440-00425    31Q6-50120    14514829
440-571    31Q6-50131    14563947
K1026249    31Q6-60110    1455571
K1026250    31N7-50110    1455717
K1571800    31N7-50120    14541237
K1571712    31N7-50131    14563959
440-571    31N7-50132    14514833
2440-9344    31N7-60110    14541267
2440-9345    31N7-50110    14563965
440-0571    31N7-50120    14551710
440-00571    31N7-50132    14551715
2440-9344    31N7-60110    14551711
2440-9345    31Q7-50110    14551712
440-0571    31Q7-50120    14551717
440-00571    31Q7-50130    14572350
K1014798    31Q7-60110    14572351
K1014799    31N8-50121    14594986
K1014805    31N8-50111    14572353
K1014824    31N8-50130    14594988
2440-9234    31N8-60110    14572352
2440-9235    31N8-60111    14594987
2440-9236    31N8-50121    14530664
2440-9237    31N8-50125    14540644
440-00059    31N8-50111    14514556
2440-9234    31N8-50115    14539227
2440-9235    31N8-50130    14510443
2440-9236    31N8-50135    14521658
2440-9237    31N8-50136    14522902
440-00059    31N8-50137    14535421
K1008084    31N8-50138    14514557
K1008085    31N8-60110    14521664
K1008086    31N8-60115    14522903
K1008094    31N8-50125    14536161
K100 0571     31N8-50115    14563858
K10571    31N8-50138    14563880
K10 0571 7    31N8-50139    145157193
K1000884    31N8-60115    14533937
440-00042    31Q8-50110    14563892
440-00043    31Q8-50120    14514558
440-00044    31Q8-50131    14541245
440-00045    31Q8-60110    14563898
K1011571    31Q8-60111    1455571
K1011571    31N9-50121    1455 0571
K1011571    31N9-50122    1455571
K1011044    31N9-50111    1455571
2440-9238    31N9-50112    1455571
2440-9239    31N9-50130    1455571
2440-9240    31N9-50131    1455 0571
2440-9241    31N9-60110    1455571
2440-9238    31N9-60111    14567071
2440-9239    31N9-50121    14588514
440-05717    31N9-50122    14567072
2440-9241    31N9-50111    14588519
2440-9282    31N9-50112    14567067
2440-9233    31N9-50130    14588513
440-00430    31N9-50131    14567071
440-571    31N9-60110    14588514
440-0571    31N9-60111    14567072
440-0571    31Q9-50110    14588519
440-571    31Q9-50120    14503654
440-0571    31Q9-50130    14563836
2440-9280    31Q9-60110    14535416
2440-9281    31NA-50122    14563816
K10 0571 9    31NA-50123    14523667
K10 0571 0    31NA-50112    14572517
K1006192    31NA-50113    14549596
K1006202    31NA-50132    14549597
2440-9296    31NA-60111    14572518
2440-9295    31NA-50123    14508896
2440-9293    31NA-50124    14563810
2440-9294    31NA-50113    14535416
K1003432    31NA-50114    14563816
K1003433    31NA-50132    14523667
K1003434    31NA-50134    14572517
K1003483    31NA-60111    14549596
440-5717    31NA-60112    14549597
440-5716    31QA-50110    14549598
440-00015    31QA-50120    14549596
440-00016    31QA-50130    14549597
440-5717    31QA-60110    14572520
440-5716    31NB-55712    14549596
440-00015    31NB-55712    14642744
440-00016    31NB-55713    14549597
K1001341    31NB-60133    14642745
K1001340    31NB-55712    14572518
K1001344    31NB-55713    14642746
K1014381    31NB-55712    33NB-55710
K1001821    31NB-55713    33NB-55710
K1001341    31NB-55713    33NB-60130
K1001340    31NB-55714    33NB-55710
K1001344    31NB-60133    33NB-55710
K1014381    31NB-60134    33NB-55710
K1001821    31QB-50110    33NB-60130
400309-5714    31QB-50120    31QB-50110
400309-5714    31QB-50130    31QB-50120
400305-00071    31QB-60110    31QB-50130
40571-00072    31QB-60111    31QB-63110
31QE-50111    33NB-55710    31ND-5571
31QE-50131    31ND-6571    31ND-5571
    31QE-61110    31ND-50030

Certification: GS, CE
Pressure: Medium Pressure
Work Temperature: High Temperature
Acting Way: Double Acting
Working Method: Straight Trip
Structure: Piston Type


hydraulic cylinder

Can hydraulic cylinders be integrated with modern telematics and remote monitoring?

Yes, hydraulic cylinders can indeed be integrated with modern telematics and remote monitoring systems. The integration of hydraulic cylinders with telematics and remote monitoring technology offers numerous benefits, including enhanced operational efficiency, improved maintenance practices, and increased overall productivity. Here’s a detailed explanation of how hydraulic cylinders can be integrated with modern telematics and remote monitoring:

1. Sensor Integration:

– Hydraulic cylinders can be equipped with various sensors to gather real-time data about their performance and operating conditions. Sensors such as pressure transducers, temperature sensors, position sensors, and load sensors can be integrated directly into the cylinder or its associated components. These sensors provide valuable information about parameters such as pressure, temperature, position, and load, enabling remote monitoring and analysis of the cylinder’s behavior.

2. Data Transmission:

– The data collected from the sensors in hydraulic cylinders can be transmitted wirelessly or through wired connections to a central monitoring system. Wireless communication technologies such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or cellular networks can be employed to transmit data in real-time. Alternatively, wired connections such as Ethernet or CAN bus can be utilized for data transmission. The choice of communication method depends on the specific requirements of the application and the available infrastructure.

3. Remote Monitoring Systems:

– Remote monitoring systems receive and process the data transmitted from hydraulic cylinders. These systems can be cloud-based or hosted on local servers, depending on the implementation. Remote monitoring systems collect and analyze the data to provide insights into the cylinder’s performance, health, and usage patterns. Operators and maintenance personnel can access the monitoring system through web-based interfaces or dedicated software applications to view real-time data, receive alerts, and generate reports.

4. Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance:

– Integration with telematics and remote monitoring enables condition monitoring and predictive maintenance of hydraulic cylinders. By analyzing the collected data, patterns and trends can be identified, allowing for the detection of potential issues or anomalies before they escalate into major problems. Predictive maintenance algorithms can be applied to the data to generate maintenance schedules, recommend component replacements, and optimize maintenance activities. This proactive approach helps prevent unexpected downtime, reduces maintenance costs, and maximizes the lifespan of hydraulic cylinders.

5. Performance Optimization:

– The data collected from hydraulic cylinders can also be utilized to optimize their performance. By analyzing parameters such as pressure, temperature, and load, operators can identify opportunities for improving operational efficiency. Insights gained from the remote monitoring system can guide adjustments in system settings, load management, or operational practices to optimize the performance of hydraulic cylinders and the overall hydraulic system. This optimization can result in energy savings, improved productivity, and reduced wear and tear.

6. Integration with Equipment Management Systems:

– Telematics and remote monitoring systems can be integrated with broader equipment management systems. This integration allows hydraulic cylinder data to be correlated with data from other components or related machinery, providing a comprehensive view of the overall system’s performance. This holistic approach enables operators to identify potential interdependencies, optimize system-wide performance, and make informed decisions regarding maintenance, repairs, or upgrades.

7. Enhanced Safety and Fault Diagnosis:

– Telematics and remote monitoring can contribute to enhanced safety and fault diagnosis in hydraulic systems. Real-time data from hydraulic cylinders can be used to detect abnormal conditions, such as excessive pressure or temperature, which may indicate potential safety risks. Fault diagnosis algorithms can analyze the data to identify specific issues or malfunctions, enabling prompt intervention and reducing the risk of catastrophic failures or accidents.

In summary, hydraulic cylinders can be effectively integrated with modern telematics and remote monitoring systems. This integration enables the collection of real-time data, remote monitoring of performance, condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, performance optimization, integration with equipment management systems, and enhanced safety. By harnessing the power of telematics and remote monitoring, hydraulic cylinder users can achieve improved efficiency, reduced downtime, optimized maintenance practices, and enhanced overall productivity in various applications and industries.

hydraulic cylinder

Integration of Hydraulic Cylinders with Equipment Requiring Rapid and Dynamic Movements

Hydraulic cylinders can indeed be integrated with equipment that requires rapid and dynamic movements. While hydraulic systems are generally known for their ability to provide high force and precise control, they can also be designed and optimized for applications that demand fast and dynamic motion. Let’s explore how hydraulic cylinders can be integrated with such equipment:

  1. High-Speed Hydraulic Systems: Hydraulic cylinders can be part of high-speed hydraulic systems designed specifically for rapid and dynamic movements. These systems incorporate features such as high-flow valves, optimized hydraulic circuitry, and responsive control systems. By carefully engineering the system components and hydraulic parameters, it is possible to achieve the desired speed and responsiveness, enabling the equipment to perform rapid movements.
  2. Valve Control: The control of hydraulic cylinders plays a crucial role in achieving rapid and dynamic movements. Proportional or servo valves can be used to precisely control the flow of hydraulic fluid into and out of the cylinder. These valves offer fast response times and precise flow control, allowing for rapid acceleration and deceleration of the cylinder’s piston. By adjusting the valve settings and optimizing the control algorithms, equipment can be designed to execute dynamic movements with high speed and accuracy.
  3. Optimized Cylinder Design: The design of hydraulic cylinders can be optimized to facilitate rapid and dynamic movements. Lightweight materials, such as aluminum alloys or composite materials, can be used to reduce the moving mass of the cylinder, enabling faster acceleration and deceleration. Additionally, the cylinder’s internal components, such as the piston and seals, can be designed for low friction to minimize energy losses and enhance responsiveness. These design optimizations contribute to the overall speed and dynamic performance of the equipment.
  4. Accumulator Integration: Hydraulic accumulators can be integrated into the system to enhance the dynamic capabilities of hydraulic cylinders. Accumulators store pressurized hydraulic fluid, which can be rapidly released to supplement the flow from the pump during high-demand situations. This stored energy can provide an extra boost of power, allowing for faster and more dynamic movements. By strategically sizing and configuring the accumulator, the system can be optimized for the specific rapid and dynamic requirements of the equipment.
  5. System Feedback and Control: To achieve precise and dynamic movements, hydraulic systems can incorporate feedback sensors and advanced control algorithms. Position sensors, such as linear potentiometers or magnetostrictive sensors, provide real-time position feedback of the hydraulic cylinder. This information can be used in closed-loop control systems to maintain precise positioning and execute rapid movements. Advanced control algorithms can optimize the control signals sent to the valves, ensuring smooth and dynamic motion while minimizing overshooting or oscillations.

In summary, hydraulic cylinders can be integrated with equipment that requires rapid and dynamic movements by utilizing high-speed hydraulic systems, employing responsive valve control, optimizing cylinder design, integrating accumulators, and incorporating feedback sensors and advanced control algorithms. These measures enable hydraulic systems to deliver the speed, responsiveness, and precision necessary for equipment operating in dynamic environments. By leveraging the capabilities of hydraulic cylinders, manufacturers can design and integrate systems that meet the requirements of applications demanding rapid and dynamic movements.

hydraulic cylinder

Which industries and machinery commonly use hydraulic cylinders for power transmission?

Hydraulic cylinders are widely used in various industries and machinery for power transmission due to their ability to generate high force, precise control, and reliable operation. They play a crucial role in converting hydraulic energy into mechanical force and motion. Here are the detailed industries and machinery that commonly utilize hydraulic cylinders for power transmission:

1. Construction and Heavy Equipment:

– Hydraulic cylinders are extensively used in the construction industry for tasks involving heavy lifting, pushing, and positioning. They are employed in cranes, excavators, loaders, bulldozers, and other heavy equipment to lift and move heavy loads, operate attachments, and manipulate construction materials. Hydraulic cylinders provide the necessary force and control for tasks such as lifting and lowering buckets, extending and retracting booms, and tilting blades.

2. Material Handling and Logistics:

– In material handling and logistics applications, hydraulic cylinders are vital components for the movement and manipulation of goods. They are used in forklifts, stackers, palletizers, and conveyor systems to lift, lower, and position loads with precision. Hydraulic cylinders enable the efficient transfer of heavy objects, facilitate stacking and sorting operations, and contribute to the smooth operation of material handling equipment.

3. Agriculture and Farming:

– The agricultural industry relies on hydraulic cylinders for various tasks in farming equipment. Tractors, harvesters, sprayers, and loaders utilize hydraulic cylinders to perform functions such as lifting and lowering implements, adjusting the position of attachments, and steering operations. Hydraulic cylinders enable efficient and precise control in tasks like plowing, tilling, harvesting, and baling, enhancing productivity and convenience in agricultural operations.

4. Mining and Extraction:

– Hydraulic cylinders are extensively utilized in the mining and extraction industry for their ability to handle heavy loads and operate in challenging environments. They are employed in mining equipment such as dump trucks, loaders, and excavators for tasks like ore extraction, rock breaking, and material transport. Hydraulic cylinders provide the force required for excavating, loading, and dumping operations, contributing to the efficiency and productivity of mining operations.

5. Manufacturing and Industrial Machinery:

– Hydraulic cylinders are an integral part of various manufacturing and industrial machinery. They are utilized in presses, stamping machines, injection molding machines, and metal forming equipment to apply force for shaping, bending, and pressing operations. Hydraulic cylinders enable precise control over the force and speed required for manufacturing processes, ensuring accurate and consistent results.

6. Automotive and Transportation:

– Hydraulic cylinders are employed in the automotive and transportation industry for a range of applications. They are used in vehicle lifting systems, such as car lifts and hydraulic jacks, for maintenance and repairs. Hydraulic cylinders are also utilized in bus doors, truck tailgates, and cargo handling systems to provide controlled movement and positioning. Additionally, hydraulic suspension systems in trucks, buses, and trailers use hydraulic cylinders for load leveling and stability.

7. Aerospace and Aviation:

– The aerospace and aviation industry relies on hydraulic cylinders for various applications, including aircraft landing gear, wing flaps, and flight control systems. Hydraulic cylinders provide the necessary force and precise control for extending and retracting landing gear, adjusting wing surfaces, and actuating control surfaces. They contribute to the safe and efficient operation of aircraft, ensuring reliable performance during takeoff, landing, and flight maneuvers.

8. Marine and Offshore:

– Hydraulic cylinders are utilized in marine and offshore equipment for a wide range of tasks. They are found in ship and boat steering systems, hatch covers, cranes, winches, and anchor handling equipment. Hydraulic cylinders enable precise control and powerful force transmission in maritime applications, supporting navigation, cargo handling, and offshore operations.

In summary, hydraulic cylinders are commonly used in industries such as construction, material handling, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, marine, and more. They are integral components in machinery and equipment that require reliable power transmission, precise control, and the ability to handle heavy loads. The versatile nature of hydraulic cylinders allows them to be adapted to various applications, contributing to increased efficiency, productivity, and safety in numerous industries.

China Hot selling Excavator Hydraulic Cylinder for Cat E329d E385c E390c E390dl Excavator Boom Cylinder (3539616 4188812)   vacuum pump oil near me		China Hot selling Excavator Hydraulic Cylinder for Cat E329d E385c E390c E390dl Excavator Boom Cylinder (3539616 4188812)   vacuum pump oil near me
editor by CX 2023-10-31

Steering Forklift Cylinder

As one of the steering forklift cylinder manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of mechanical products, We offer hydraulic cylinders and many others.

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